One-Step DNA Purification
Genomic DNA purification is an essential first step in molecular biology, genomics, biotechnology, forensic analyses, and clinical research. Its quantity and quality are critical for successful immediate and downstream applications such as restriction enzyme digestion, PCR analysis, DNA labeling, qPCR, STR, etc. Large-scale DNA purification requires efficient purification of sufficient quantities of inhibitors-free nucleic acids from collecting large amounts of different sample materials such as blood, saliva, buccal cell, etc. Although the past decade has seen significant advances in DNA purification technology, it is still a big challenge for traditional methods to efficiently purify sufficient quantities of inhibitor-free nucleic acids from high-volume small samples. That is mainly due to the loss of DNA from tedious laboratories procedure. Although DNA purification can be accomplished by using a variety of different methods, however, the most common DNA extraction methods include Organic extraction, Solid phase extraction, Chelex extraction, and Direct PCR.
Organic extraction
Organic extraction is performed using PEG or phenol-chloroform extraction, followed by ethanol precipitation. These methods are not only time-consuming manual processes and make it easy to lose the DNA sample but also have a potential safety hazard and chemical disposal issues.
Chelex extraction
Direct PCR
Direct PCR, also called extraction-free PCR, is a DNA amplification method directly from a test sample without being subjected to prior DNA extraction and purification steps. This technique avoids the tedious extraction procedure and reduces the cost. However, the methods can only be applied using Tth DNA polymerase and not the widely used Taq DNA polymerase. Furthermore, extraction-free PCR technologies do not work consistently well in diverse samples.
Solid phase extraction
The most efficient nucleic acid extraction and purification methods must be developed and used to ensure successful downstream genetic profiling by PCR. The following processes are involved in DNA extraction: (1) rupture of cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes; (2) separation and purification of DNA from other cell lysate components such as lipids, proteins, and other nucleic acids; and (3) concentration and purification of DNA. It is critical to ensure the quality and quantity of the isolated DNA to carry out the intended downstream applications when selecting an appropriate method for DNA extraction. Other factors to consider while optimizing the DNA extraction procedure include Time, cost, potential toxicities, yield, laboratory equipment, skill requirements, and the sample amount necessary for the protocol. Currently, two isolation strategies are used for DNA purification: negative chromatography purifying selection and positive chromatography purifying selection. In negative chromatography, impurities bond on the adsorbent, allowing DNA to pass through the chromatographic column. In contrast, positive chromatography retains the desired DNA in the stationary phase while unbound contaminants flow through the column.
Classic silica-derived spin columns and magnetic beads used for DNA and RNA purification are based on positive chromatography purifying selection. High chaotropic salt concentrations, such as guanidine hydrochloride, bind DNA or RNA to silica. The silica column or beads is washed with a salt/ethanol solution after nucleic acid binding to eliminate additional biomolecules from the sample. Finally, the column or beads is eluted using Tris elution buffer or water to remove the pure DNA or RNA. Such bind-wash-elute procedures are time-consuming, requiring multiple washing and spinning steps. Repetitive spin steps can cause considerable DNA loss (20-40%) and shearing. Furthermore, chaotropic salts and other impurities can easily pass through the eluted DNA or RNA, compromising ultimate purity and quantification as well as downstream enzymatic activities like PCR.
In contrast, negative chromatography purifying selection is a new nucleic acid purification technology that avoids the requirement for high salt binding and ethanol wash procedures, resulting in purer DNA and RNA preparations and more robust results. In negative chromatography, the multifunctional adsorbents efficiently capture and hold sample impurities such as protein, lipid, and ionic components in the sample while allowing nucleic acids to pass through the column, decreasing the number of steps and plastic materials required for purification. Additionally, since it does not touch the DNA and RNA molecules, no nucleic acids will get lost during the purification procedure.
Negative chromatography has three main advantages over positive chromatography:
Simplified workflow – Single step, fast
Superior performance – High quality and maximized DNA recovery with minimal loss of DNA
Waste reduction – Use fewer plastic tubes and no toxic substances.
BcMag™ One-step DNA Purification System
BcMag™ One-step DNA Purification System uses novel Negative chromatography magnetic beads to quickly deliver higher quality and superior DNA yield from biological samples. Those samples include blood, animal cell, plants, body fluids, stains, swabs of body fluids, Strip removed cells, cigarette butts, Hair, fingernail scrapings, epithelial cells, bite marks, semen, touch DNA samples, etc. The specially designed magnetic beads with our proprietary surface chemistry function simultaneously to lyse cells and capture the PCR inhibitors once mixed with the sample. The magnetic beads-PCR inhibitor complex was then magnetically removed by a magnet while the pure DNA remaining in the solution was ready for downstream analysis.
BcMag™ One-step DNA Purification System uses one tube, one step, and no toxic chemicals protocol to purify DNA from hundreds of samples without using expensive equipment in less than an hour.
Workflow of One-Step DNA Purification System
Add functional magne tic beads to the sample.

Mix the samples with the magnetic beads and heat to lyse the cells.
Vortex for 5 minutes for the beads to capture the PCR inhibitors.
Remove the beads with a magnet.
Aspirate the supernatant containing the pure ready-to-use DNA.

The workflow comparison of positive and negative DNA purification.

Scientists use magnetic bead separation as a quick, efficient, and hygienic alternative to traditional filtration, centrifugation, and separation processes. These tiny beads have a high surface-to-volume ratio and a small size range of 0.1-10 µm, which makes them easy to manipulate through an applied magnetic field. Combined with automated liquid handling and robust detection instrumentation, these properties enable a wide range of high-throughput applications.
Some of the key features and benefits of magnetic bead separation include:
Rapid and efficient purification protocol: This method does not require prior DNA isolation for subsequent use in direct workflows, and it eliminates the need for liquid transfer and multiple tubes.
Ultrafast: The process can purify up to 96 samples in less than an hour.
Higher purity and DNA yield with minimal contamination with RNA from various trace samples.
Cost-effective: This method eliminates the need for columns, filters, laborious repeat pipetting, and organic reagents.
High throughput: Magnetic bead separation is compatible with many different automated liquid handling systems.
In summary, magnetic bead separation is a fast, efficient, and clean method with several advantages over traditional separation processes. It offers a rapid and efficient purification protocol, ultrafast processing time, higher purity and DNA yield, effective removal of inhibitors, cost-effectiveness, and high-throughput compatibility with many automated liquid handling systems.
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Bone and Teeth DNA Isolation
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cfDNA purification
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Rootless Hair DNA Purification
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Bacteria DNA Purification
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Blood DNA Extraction
BcMag™ One-step Blood DNA Purification Kit allows rapid and efficient purification of genomic DNA from whole blood, serum, plasma, or other body fluids. The kit uses our unique proprietary magnetic beads to efficiently lyse cells and remove all impurities simultaneously in an aqueous buffer, leaving the DNA untouched. The procedure employs mild lysis conditions, avoiding harsh conditions such as alkaline lysis and toxic chemicals for lysing cells to maintain DNA integrity and the time-consuming cleanup of organic solvent from the sample. Furthermore, the magnetic beads eliminate PCR inhibitors from samples in a single step without DNA extraction. It increases DNA integrity, boosts nucleic acid yields, and minimizes DNA loss caused by typical DNA purification techniques’ time-consuming “bind-wash-elute” procedure. Following sample lysis, the straightforward one-step purification technique enables the simultaneous processing of >96 samples and produces pure DNA in less than 30 minutes. Purified genomic DNA has the highest integrity and can be used in various downstream applications such as qPCR, STR, etc.

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Buccal Cell DNA Purification
BcMag™ One-Step Buccal Cell DNA Purification Kit allows rapid and efficient purification of genomic DNA from buccal swabs or pelleted cells from a mouthwash. It uses novel negative selection chromatography magnetic beads to quickly capture and remove the impurities, such as PCR inhibitors from cell lysate, leaving the DNA untouched. It reduces the risk of DNA loss and carryover of extraction buffers from the traditional tedious bind-wash-elute procedure. The purification kit provides a fast and straightforward DNA extraction method with only one tube, no liquid transfer, and no requirement for carrier RNA. After preparing the lysates, Hundreds of samples can be processed in less than 30 minutes without using expensive equipment.

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FFPE & FNA DNA Purification
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Fungi & Yeast DNA Purification
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Insect DNA Extraction
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Mouse Tail DNA Purification
BcMag™ One-step Mouse Tail DNA Purification Kit allows rapid, column-free extraction of genomic DNA from mouse tail, ear, ear punch, or other animal tissue. The kit uses our unique proprietary magnetic beads and buffers to efficiently lyse cells and remove all impurities simultaneously in an aqueous buffer, leaving the DNA untouched. The procedure employs mild lysis conditions, avoiding harsh conditions such as alkaline lysis and toxic chemicals for lysing cells to maintain DNA integrity and the time-consuming cleanup of organic solvent from the sample. Furthermore, the magnetic beads eliminate PCR inhibitors from samples in a single step without DNA extraction. It increases DNA integrity, boosts nucleic acid yields, and minimizes DNA loss caused by typical DNA purification techniques’ time-consuming “bind-wash-elute” procedure. Following sample lysis, the straightforward one-step purification technique enables the simultaneous processing of >96 samples and produces pure DNA in less than 30 minutes. Purified genomic DNA has the highest integrity and can be used in various downstream applications such as qPCR.

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Plant DNA Purification
BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit allows rapid, column-free extraction of genomic DNA from various plant sample sources, including leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruit, seeds, etc. The kit uses our unique proprietary magnetic beads and buffers to efficiently lyse cells and remove all impurities simultaneously in an aqueous buffer, leaving the DNA untouched. The procedure employs mild lysis conditions, avoiding harsh conditions such as alkaline lysis and toxic chemicals for lysing cells to maintain DNA integrity and the time-consuming cleanup of organic solvent from the sample. Furthermore, the magnetic beads eliminate PCR inhibitors from samples in a single step without DNA extraction. It increases DNA integrity, boosts nucleic acid yields, and minimizes DNA loss caused by typical DNA purification techniques’ time-consuming “bind-wash-elute” procedure. Following sample lysis, the straightforward one-step purification technique enables the simultaneous processing of >96 samples and produces pure DNA in less than 30 minutes. Purified genomic DNA has the highest integrity and can be used in various downstream applications such as qPCR.

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Saliva Viral RNA-DNA Isolation
BcMag™ One-Step Saliva Viral RNA-DNA Purification Kit uses novel negative selection chromatography magnetic beads to quickly capture impurities such as PCR inhibitors from cell lysate, leaving the DNA /RNA untouched. Unlike standard tedious bind-wash-elute protocol, this convenient single-step and the extraction-free procedure does not contain traces of organic solvents, chaotropic salts, or EDTA, reducing the risk of DNA/RNA loss and carryover of extraction buffers, and recovers almost 100% DNA/RNA. The purification kit provides a fast and simple method for DNA/RNA purification with only one tube, no liquid transfer, and no requirement for carrier RNA. Hundreds of trace samples such as saliva and nasal-pharyngeal swabs in saline solution, nasal swabs, buccal swabs & sputum/saliva swabs can be processed in less than 15 minutes without using expensive types of equipment. The purified nucleic acid is ready for downstream applications: PCR, RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, LAMP, RT-LAMP.
Workflow of One-Step DNA Purification System
Add functional magnetic beads to the sample.
Mix the samples with the magnetic beads and heat to lyse the cells.
Mix by pipetting or vortexing to capture the impurity.
Magnetic capture the beads and aspirate the supernatant containing the pure ready-to-use.

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Touch DNA Purification
BcMag™ One-Step Touch DNA Purification Kit uses novel Negative chromatography magnetic beads to quickly deliver higher quality and superior DNA yield from most trace touch samples. Those samples include body fluids, stains, swabs of body fluids, Strip removed cells, cigarette butts, Hair follicles, fingernail scrapings, epithelial cells, bite marks, semen, touch DNA samples, etc. The specially designed magnetic beads with our proprietary surface chemistry function simultaneously to lyse cells and capture the PCR inhibitors once mixed with the sample. The magnetic beads-PCR inhibitor complex was then magnetically removed by a magnet while the pure DNA remaining in the solution was ready for downstream STR analysis. The purification kit provides a fast and simple method for DNA purification with only one tube, no liquid transfer, and no requirement for carrier RNA. It reduces the risk of DNA loss and carryover of extraction buffers from the traditional and tedious bind-wash-elute procedure. After preparing the lysates, it enables the processing of 96 samples in less than 15 minutes, with less than 1 minute of hands-on Time.

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Sexual Assault Casework DNA Purification
BcMag™ Sexual Assault Casework Purification DNA Kit provides quick and efficient purification of male DNA from a trace amount of sexual assault samples. The kit uses novel negative selection chromatography magnetic beads to quickly capture impurities such as PCR inhibitors from cell lysate, leaving the male DNA untouched. It reduces the risk of DNA loss and buffers carryover from the time-consuming bind-wash-elute technique. The purification kit provides a quick and easy way to purify DNA. Quantitative PCR and STR analysis work well with pure DNA.

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One-Step Dandruff Cell DNA Purification Kit
BcMag™ One-Step Dandruff Cell DNA Purification Kit allows rapid and efficient purification of genomic DNA from Dandruff. It uses novel negative selection chromatography magnetic beads to quickly capture and remove the impurities, such as PCR inhibitors from cell lysate, leaving the DNA untouched. It reduces the risk of DNA loss and carryover of extraction buffers from the traditional tedious bind-wash-elute procedure. The purification kit provides a fast and straightforward DNA extraction method with only one tube, no liquid transfer, and no requirement for carrier RNA. After preparing the lysates, Hundreds of samples can be processed in less than 30 minutes without using expensive equipment.
Principle and Workflow

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BcMag™ One-Step Fingerprint DNA Purification Kit
The principle of the BcMag™ One-Step Fingerprint DNA Purification Kit is based on negative selection chromatography using magnetic beads. The kit utilizes specially designed magnetic beads with a proprietary surface chemistry that can capture impurities, such as PCR inhibitors, from the sample. Once mixed with the sample, the magnetic beads bind to the impurities and form a magnetic beads-impurity complex. The workflow of the purification process involves three main steps: Sample Preparation: The biological sample is lysed and processed to release the DNA. Purification: The lysate is mixed with the magnetic beads, and the impurities are captured by the beads. The magnetic beads-impurity complex is then magnetically removed from the solution by using a magnet. Elution: The pure DNA remains in the solution and can be easily transferred by simply pipetting the DNA-containing solution to a new tube. Overall, the BcMag™ One-Step Fingerprint DNA Purification Kit provides a fast and straightforward DNA extraction method with only one tube, no liquid transfer, and no requirement for carrier RNA, allowing for rapid processing of hundreds of samples in less than 30 minutes without the need for expensive equipment.

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NGS Cleanup
BcMag™ One-Step NGS Cleanup Kit is specially designed for ultrafast and efficient purification of DNA after adaptor ligation and PCR or possible replacement of size selection procedure after adaptor addition. The protocol is not only straightforward (one tube and one step) but also very flexible in removing different size DNA fragments by adjusting processing time, buffer’s pH, and detergent concentration. The magnetic Beads are added directly to the finished PCR reactions or other DNA reactions and mixed by a vortex mixer or pipetting to capture and remove the impurities (e.g., excess primer, dimer, adapter, salt, detergent, dNTPs, and enzyme). After mixing, the beads are magnetically removed, while the supernatant contains the purified and ready-to-run DNA. In just 1 minute, the purified DNA is ready for downstream applications, such as Sanger Sequencing, Restriction Digestion, Cloning, SNP Detection, or Library Preparation for NGS. The beads enable 96 samples to be processed simultaneously in less than 10 minutes.

Features and Advantages
Simple protocol: No liquid transfer, One-tube, One-step
Ultrafast: One-minute protocol
Higher purity and recovery > 90% DNA
Cost-effective: Eliminates columns, filters, laborious repeat pipetting, and ethanol
High throughput: Compatible with many different automated liquid handling systems
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RNA Removal
BcMag™ One-Step RNA Removal Kit uses magnetic beads conjugated with a high purity of Ribonuclease A. Ribonuclease A is an endoribonuclease that originates from the bovine pancreas. RNase A is a single-chain polypeptide with a molecular mass of 13.7 kDa. RNase A is an endoribonuclease that unspecifically degrades ribonucleic acid (RNA) into smaller components. The magnetic bead immobilized with RNase A can efficiently remove RNA from biological samples with no nucleases remaining in the solution due to the nuclease stably and covalently conjugated with the magnetic beads.

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Single Stranded DNA Removal
BcMag™ Single-Stranded DNA Removal Kit uses magnetic microspheres covalently conjugated with a high purity of Exonuclease I (ExoI) to remove single-stranded DNA from the solution. ExoI is derived originally from E. coli. This enzyme is a 55 kDa exonuclease that hydrolyzes single-stranded DNA(ssDNA) step-wise in a 3’→5′ direction. This Exonuclease is highly specific for single-stranded DNA and does not react with double-stranded DNA or RNA and DNA strands with terminal 3′-OH groups blocked by phosphoryl or acetyl groups. Exonuclease I is tolerant of a wide range of buffer conditions and can typically be added to PCR. reactions. The Exonuclease I can be inactivated by heat treatment at 80°C for 15 minutes. The magnetic bead immobilized with ExoI can efficiently remove single-stranded DNA, such as PCR primer, from reactions with no nucleases remaining in the solution due to the nuclease being stably and covalently immobilized with the magnetic beads.

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Sanger Sequence Cleanup
BcMag™ One-Step Sequencing Cleanup Kit is specifically designed for fast and efficient purification of the post-Sanger Sequencing reaction. The entire protocol takes only one tube and is complete in less than 5minutes. The magnetic beads are added directly to the finished sequencing reactions and vortexed to capture the impurities (e.g., unincorporated dyes, dNTPs, residual salts, and other interfering components). After vortexing, the beads are magnetically captured, while the clean supernatant can be directly loaded onto a capillary sequencer.

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DNA & RNA Removal
BcMag™ One-Step DNA & RNA Removal Kit uses magnetic beads conjugated with ultra-pure recombinant endonuclease to remove DNA and RNA. The recombinant endonuclease is encoded by the same gene of Merck Benzonase nuclease or TurboNuclease of Serratia macescens produced in E. coli. This nuclease nonspecifically digests all kinds of DNA and RNA, including variants of single- and double-stranded, circular, linear, or supercoiled DNA and RNA to 5″-phosphorylated oligonucleotides of 2-8 bases in length and is free of protease activity. The nuclease immobilized magnetic bead can efficiently remove all the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from protein solution with no endonuclease remaining in the solution due to the nuclease stably and covalently conjugated with the magnetic Beads.

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One-Step PCR Cleanup Kit
BcMag™ One-Step PCR Cleanup Kit is a specially designed kit for ultrafast and efficient purification of post PCR or other DNA reactions. The protocol is not only straightforward (one tube and one step, as shown in following picture) but also very flexible in removing different size DNA fragments by adjusting processing time, buffer’s pH, and detergent concentration (table1). The magnetic Beads are added directly to the finished PCR reactions or other DNA reactions and mixed by a vortex mixer or pipetting to capture and remove the impurities (e.g., excess primer, dimer, adapter, salt, detergent, dNTPs, and enzyme). After mixing, the beads are magnetically removed, while the supernatant contains the purified and ready-to-run products. In just 1 minute, the purified DNA is ready for downstream applications, such as Sanger Sequencing, Restriction Digestion, Cloning, SNP Detection, or Library Preparation for NGS. The beads enable 96 samples to be processed simultaneously in less than 10 minutes.

Features and Advantages
Simple protocol: No liquid transfer, One-tube, One-step
Ultrafast: One-minute protocol
Higher purity and recovery > 90% DNA
Cost-effective: Eliminates columns, filters, laborious repeat pipetting, and ethanol
High-throughput: Compatible with many different automated liquid handling systems
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One-Step PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit
The protocol is straightforward and fast: one tube, one step, and one Step. Add the magnetic beads directly to the pre-purified DNA samples and vortex or pipette to capture and remove the impurities. After vortexing/pipetting, the beads are magnetically removed, while the supernatant contains the purified and ready-to-run products. Unlike standard bind-wash-elute protocol, this convenient procedure does not contain traces of organic solvents, chaotropic salts, or EDTA and is almost 100% DNA recovery. The beads enable 96 samples to be processed simultaneously in less than 10 Steps with cost-effective lab vortex mixers.

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Fluorescent Labeling Cleanup
BcMag™ One-Step Fluorescent Labeling Cleanup Kit has specially formulated resin with proprietary surface chemistry. It removes the excess free (non-conjugated) fluorescent dyes, primer, dimer, adapter, salt, detergent, labeled dNTPs, dNTPs, and enzymes from the finished labeling reaction. The protocol is not only straightforward but also very flexible in removing different size DNA fragments by adjusting processing time, buffer pH, and detergent concentration. Compared with the dye removal columns, the resin can quickly and efficiently remove free dyes from the sample with just a single step and enables an individual or 96 sample to be processed simultaneously in less than 1 or 10 minutes with very little hands-on time. Since the magnetic resin only adsorbs the free dye, primer, dimer, adapter, salt, detergent, dNTPs, and enzyme, the labeled DNA/RNA rate is exceptionally higher than >90%. Moreover, the magnetic beads can remove most of the dyes if the appropriate amount of samples and buffer conditions are used.

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