Gene Synthesis Service
Fast Turnaround Time: 10-15 business days
Optimize Codon Usage: Free
Quality: 100% match with your requested sequences
Flexibility: Free to clone the synthesized gene into any of your desired vectors
Products: Final products (2 μg plasmid or glycerol stock with detailed datasheet) will be delivered.
Lower Price: Call or email for a quotation
Recombinant Protein Production and Purification
E.coli Expression System
Phase I: Expression vector preparation
1. If the customer provides cDNA
Subcloning your interest cDNA into a bacterial expression vector with His-tag or GST-tag or customer’s expression vector.
Mini-analysis of the expression of the gene in two different bacterial expression strains and three different temperatures (16˚ C, 28˚, and 37˚C) by SDS-PAGE or Western blot to check protein solubility, stability, and expression level.
Estimated time: 5-10 Business days
Price: $1,200
2. If the customer does not provide cDNA
Bioclone will artificially synthesize your interest cDNA, which will be codon-optimized for maximum expression (Normally, expression level > 2-100 times higher than the original cDNA). Clone into an expression vector.
Mini-analysis of the expression of the gene in two different bacterial expression strains and three different temperatures (16˚ C, 28˚ C and 37˚C) by SDS-PAGE or Western blot to check protein solubility, stability and expression level.
Estimated time: 5-10 Business days
Price: $1.45 /bp (if cDNA <500bp, $600 will be charged for the set-up fee)
Phase II: Large-scale culture and purification
Affinity purification from: 0.5 liters fermented bacterial culture/$590 (Purity>90%)
Affinity purification from: 1.0 liter fermented bacterial culture/$890 (Purity>90%)
Estimated time: 5 business days
The customer will get two µg plasmids, recombinant protein, and a detailed datasheet.
Conjugation to Magnetic Beads
Just send us your protein, peptide, or DNA or Oligo-nucleotides or Antibody, and we will conjugate them to our magnetic Beads.
Price: 30 mg of magnetic beads/$1200
Turnaround time: 1 week
Bulk and OEM Manufacturing
OEM magnetic beads for the isolation of nucleic acid from the biological sample
OEM magnetic beads for biological sample preparation