
One-Step Plant DNA Purification Protocol

Simple, Fast, & Effective DNA Extraction from Plants


BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit
Cat. No.  AQ101

Unit Size  50x preps
BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit
Cat. No.  AQ102

Unit Size  100x preps


BcMag™ U-DNA Beads
Storage  4°C

Cat. No. AM-101 (50 Preps)
2.5 ml

Cat. No. AM-102 (100 Preps)
5.0 ml
10x Lysis Buffer (100mM Tris-HCl, PH 9.0)
Storage  4°C

Cat. No. AM-101 (50 Preps)
0.6 ml

Cat. No. AM-102 (100 Preps)
1.2 ml
Proteinase K
Storage  -20°C

Cat. No. AM-101 (50 Preps)
12.5 mg

Cat. No. AM-102 (100 Preps)
25 mg
Storage  -20°C

Cat. No. AM-101 (50 Preps)
15.4 mg

Cat. No. AM-102 (100 Preps)
30.8 mg
Proteinase K Suspension Buffer
Storage  4°C

Cat. No. AM-101 (50 Preps)
1.0 ml

Cat. No. AM-102 (100 Preps)
2.0 ml

Shipping conditions: At ambient temperature

Handling And Storage: Store The Kit Components According To The Table Above On Arrival.

Cat. No.



Product Name

BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit

BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit

Unit Size

50x preps

100x preps



BcMag™ U-DNA Beads

10x Lysis Buffer (100mM Tris-HCl, PH 9.0)

Proteinase K


Proteinase K Suspension Buffer







Cat. No. AQ101 (50 Preps)

2.5 ml

0.6 ml

12.5 mg

15.4 mg

1.0 ml

Cat. No. AQ102 (100 Preps)

5.0 ml

1.2 ml

25 mg

30.8 mg

2.0 ml

Shipping conditions: At ambient temperature

Handling and Storage: Store the kit components according to the table Above on arrival.


BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit is the ultimate solution for rapid and efficient extraction of genomic DNA from a wide range of plant samples. With the utilization of our proprietary magnetic beads and optimized buffers, the kit streamlines the extraction process and eliminates the need for time-consuming, multi-step purification procedures. The BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit employs mild lysis conditions to preserve the integrity of the DNA and avoid harsh conditions such as alkaline lysis or toxic chemicals. The magnetic beads eliminate the need for columns and filters, reducing the risk of DNA loss during the extraction process. Furthermore, the kit effectively removes PCR inhibitors, such as polyphenolic compounds, humic/fulvic acids, and more, during the lysis process.

PCR inhibitor removal by magnetic beads

Workflow of one-step plant DNA Purification kit and results


Use Harris punch to punch the leaves or bead beating to disrupt the sample in a bead beater.


Centrifuge and transfer the supernatant to a new tube.


Mix the samples with the magnetic beads and proteinase K and heat to lyse the cells.


Vortex the beads to capture PCR inhibitors.


Remove the beads with a magnet.


Aspirate the supernatant containing the pure ready-to-use DNA.

Workflow of one-step plant DNA direct kit


The purified DNA is ready for downstream applications, such as PCR, qPCR, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), genotyping, genotyping by sequencing (GBS), next-generation sequencing (NGS), etc.

Features and Advantages

Rapid and efficient extraction protocol: without prior DNA isolation for subsequent use in direct workflows, No liquid transfer, and One-tube.

Ultrafast: Process 96 samples in less than an hour.

Highest nucleic acids recovery rates: Minimal loss of DNA during extraction.

Effectively cell lysate cleanup and removes inhibitors: polyphenolic compounds, humic/fulvic acids, acidic polysaccharides, tannins, melanin, heparin, detergents, denim dyes, divalent cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, etc.

Cost-effective: Eliminates columns, filters, laborious repeat pipetting, and organic reagents.

High-throughput: Compatible with many different automated liquid handling systems.


The following protocol is an example. The protocol can be scaled up or down as needed.


DNA Yield: Varies (depends on sample size and type)

DNA Size: Varies (depends on the quality of starting material)

Since there is no concentration step in the protocol, the concentration of the nucleic acid depends on the quality and quantity of the sample used.

Quantification of the nucleic acids: Use only fluorescence methods such as qPCR, Qubit, and Pico Green.

OD260 methods such as Nanodrop and UV-spectrophotometry are not-suitable.

For long-term storage, store the extracted nucleic acids at -20°C.

Materials Required by the User


Magnetic Rack for centrifuge tube

** Based on sample volume, the user can choose one of the following magnetic Racks


•  BcMag™ Rack-2 for holding two individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-01)

•  BcMag™ Rack-6 for holding six individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-02)

•  BcMag™ Rack-24 for holding twenty-four individual 1.5-2.0 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-03)

•  BcMag™ Rack-50 for holding one 50 ml centrifuge tube, one 15 ml centrifuge tube, and four individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-04)


BcMag™ 96-well Plate Magnetic Rack.


•  BcMa™ 96-well Plate Magnetic Rack (side-pull) compatible with 96-well PCR plate and 96-well microplate or other compatible Racks (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-06)


Adjustable Single and Multichannel pipettes


Centrifuge with swinging bucket

Addition items are required if using 96-well PCR plates / tubes

Vortex Mixer

** The user can also use other compatible vortex mixers. However, the Time and speed should be optimized, and the mixer should be: Orbit ≥1.5 mm-4 mm, Speed ≥ 2000 rpm

Eppendorf™ MixMate™

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 5353000529

Tube Holder PCR 96

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674005

Tube Holder 1.5/2.0 mL, for 24 × 1.5 mL or 2.0 mL

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674048

Smart Mixer, Multi Shaker

BenchTop Lab Systems, Cat. No. 5353000529

1.5/2.0 mL centrifuge tube

96-well PCR Plates or 8-Strip PCR Tubes

PCR plates/tube

! IMPORTANT ! If using other tubes or PCR plates, make sure that the well diameter at the bottom of the conical section of PCR Tubes or PCR plates must be ≥2.5mm.


Magnetic Rack for centrifuge tube

** Based on sample volume, the user can choose one of the following magnetic Racks


BcMag™ Rack-2 for holding two individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-01)

BcMag™ Rack-6 for holding six individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-02)

BcMag™ Rack-24 for holding twenty-four individual 1.5-2.0 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-03)

BcMag™ Rack-50 for holding one 50 ml centrifuge tube, one 15 ml centrifuge tube, and four individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-04)

BcMag™ 96-well Plate Magnetic Rack

BcMa™ 96-well Plate Magnetic Rack (side-pull) compatible with 96-well PCR plate and 96-well microplate or other compatible Racks (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-06)

Adjustable Single and Multichannel pipettes

Centrifuge with swinging bucket

Addition items are required if using 96-well PCR plates/tubes

Vortex Mixer

** The user can also use other compatible vortex mixers. However, the Time and Speed should be optimized, and the mixer should be: Orbit ≥1.5 mm-4 mm, Speed ≥ 2000 rpm

Eppendorf™ MixMate™

Tube Holder PCR 96

Tube Holder 1.5/2.0 mL, for 24 × 1.5 mL or 2.0 mL

Smart Mixer, Multi Shaker

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 5353000529

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674005

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674048

BenchTop Lab Systems, Cat. No. 5353000529

Eppendorf™ MixMate™

Tube Holder PCR 96

Tube Holder 1.5/2.0 mL, for 24 × 1.5 mL or 2.0 mL

Smart Mixer, Multi Shaker

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 5353000529

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674005

Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674048

BenchTop Lab Systems, Cat. No. 5353000529

1.5/2.0 mL centrifuge tube

96-well PCR Plates or 8-Strip PCR Tubes

PCR Plates/Tubes

! IMPORTANT ! If using other tubes or PCR plates, make sure that the well diameter at the bottom of the conical section of PCR Tubes or PCR plates must be ≥2.5mm.

A. Sample Preparation

Handling Samples

Follow these general guidelines when handling samples:

When possible and appropriate, cut the sample into small pieces to facilitate processing.

Avoid overloading the sample tube to allow efficient mixing of Lysis Mix with the sample.


Example Sample Input


4 mm circular punches were removed from the storage cards using a Harris punch. Two punches were placed in a new well of 96well PCR plate or 0.2ml PCR tube.

Leaves, Stem, seeds, Roots

Method 1


Mix 750 µl** 1x lysis buffer with 50 mg of finely cut plant or seed sample and homogenize by bead beating. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to process the sample. (Note: Add 3 µl of 10 mM DTT to 100 µl of 1x lysis buffer immediately before use.)


Centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 5 minutes.


Transfer 5-10 µL of the supernatant to a new well of a 96well PCR plate or 0.2ml PCR tube.

Method 2


Grind 1-5 mg sample with liquid nitrogen.

B. Premix Beads Solution Preparation



Before pipetting, shake or Vortex the bottle to completely resuspend the Magnetic Beads.


Do not allow the magnetic beads to sit for more than 2 minutes before dispensing.


Proteinase K preparation: Provide protease K as lyophilized powder and dissolve at a 20 mg/ml concentration in Proteinase K Suspension Buffer. For example, 12.5 mg dissolved in 625 µl of Proteinase K Suspension Buffer. Divide the stock solution into small aliquots and store at -20°C. Each aliquot can be thawed and refrozen several times but should then be discarded.


DTT solution preparation: Provide DTT as powder and dissolve at a concentration of 1M in ultrapure water. For example, 15.4 mg dissolved in 100µl ultrapure water. It is stable for years at -20°C. Prepare in small aliquots, thaw it on ice, and use and discard. Store them in the dark (wrapped in aluminum foil) at -20°C. Do not autoclave DTT or solutions containing it. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.


Dilute DTT to a concentration of 10 mM from stock with ultrapure water and use it immediately. Discard unused DTT solution.


Prepare a fresh Master Mix following Table 2 for the number of samples to be processed, plus 10% more (e.g., if you have 10 samples, prepare Master Mix for 11). Add the following components to the reservoir.

Table 2. Premix Beads solution


BcMag™ U-DNA Beads

10x Lysis Buffer

Proteinase K (20mg/ml)

DTT (10 mM)


Ultrapure Water


One Well ( 100 μL Reaction Volume)

50 μL

10 μL

12.5 μL

3 μL



100 μL


BcMag™ U-DNA Beads
One Well ( 100 μL Reaction Volume)

50 μL
10x Lysis Buffer
One Well ( 100 μL Reaction Volume)

10 μL
Proteinase K (20mg/ml)
One Well ( 100 μL Reaction Volume)

12.5 μL
DTT (10 mM)
One Well ( 100 μL Reaction Volume)

3 μL
One Well ( 100 μL Reaction Volume)

Ultrapure Water
One Well ( 100 μL Reaction Volume)

One Well ( 100 μL Reaction Volume)

100 μL

C. Isolation Procedure


Pipet up and down premix beads solution in a reagent reservoir until the solution is homogeneous before dispensing.

Do not allow the magnetic beads to sit for more than 5 minutes before dispensing.


Transfer 100μl premix beads solution to the sample to a new well of 96well PCR plate or 0.2ml PCR tube and add the sample.


Mix the sample well by Vortex or pipetting.


Place the PCR plate/tube into a thermocycler and incubate at:


65°C for 15 minutes


80°C for 10 minutes


Remove the PCR plate/tube from the thermocycler and then mix the sample with beads by slowly pipetting up and down 20-25 times, or Vortex the sample at 2000 rpm for 5 minutes (see picture).



Centrifuge at 3500 rpm for 5 minutes.


Place the sample plate / tube on the magnetic separation plate for 30 seconds or until the solution is clear.


Transfer the supernatant to a clean plate / tube while the sample plate remains on the magnetic separation plate. The sample is ready for downstream applications. Using 1-5 μl in a 25μl of qPCR reaction.

D. Troubleshooting


Low DNA/RNA Recovery

Probable Cause

Poor starting sample material


  • Use better quality of the sample.
  • Add more samples


Ct Value Delays

Probable Cause

Too many PCR inhibitors in the sample.


  1. Add 25-50 μL BcMag™ U-DNA Beads to the extract solution and mix by slowly pipetting up and down 20-25 times, or Vortex the sample at 2000 rpm for 5 minutes. Place the sample plate / tube on the magnetic separation plate for 30 seconds or until the solution is clear.
  1. Transfer the supernatant to a clean plate / tube while the sample plate remains on the magnetic separation plate. Using 1-5 μl in a 25 μl RT-PCR or qPCR. The sample is ready for downstream applications.


Ct Value Delays

Probable Cause

Recovery DNA is so low.


  • Use better quality of the sample.
  • Add more samples


Probable Cause


Low DNA/RNA Recovery

Poor starting sample material

  • Use better quality of the sample.
  • Add more samples

Ct Value Delays

Too many PCR inhibitors in the sample.

  1. Add 25-50 μL BcMag™ U-DNA Beads to the extract solution and mix by slowly pipetting up and down 20-25 times, or Vortex the sample at 2000 rpm for 5 minutes. Place the sample plate / tube on the magnetic separation plate for 30 seconds or until the solution is clear.
  1. Transfer the supernatant to a clean plate / tube while the sample plate remains on the magnetic separation plate. Using 1-5 μl in a 25 μl RT-PCR or qPCR. The sample is ready for downstream applications.

Recovery DNA is so low.

  • Use better quality of the sample.
  • Add more samples

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Magnetic Beads Make Things Simple