One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit: Extract High-Quality DNA in <30 Minutes
One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit: Extract High-Quality DNA in <30 Minutes
Genomic variation analysis plays a critical role in plant genetics and crop improvement. Plant scientists require tools to address various concerns such as disease resistance, transgenic seed generation, yield improvement, population genetics, and plant physiology. High-quality DNA extraction from leaf, seed, root, or other plant material is required for reproducible DNA analysis using quantitative PCR, genotyping by sequencing (GBS), or next-generation sequencing (NGS).
Challenges in Plant Genotyping
Standard procedures for extracting plant DNA can be exceedingly time-consuming and labor-intensive. Specific applications like plant genotyping demand a lengthy DNA extraction method.
Traditional plant DNA extractions need a 4-hour to overnight digestion with proteinase K, followed by phenol: chloroform extraction and alcohol precipitation.
Recently, silica bind and elute kits have become available, which are based on positive chromatography purifying selection. High chaotropic salt concentrations, such as guanidine hydrochloride, bind DNA to silica. The silica column or beads are washed with a salt/ethanol solution after nucleic acid binding to eliminate additional biomolecules from the sample. Finally, the column or beads are eluted using Tris elution buffer or water to remove the pure DNA.
Bind-wash-elute procedures are time-consuming, requiring multiple washing and spinning steps. Repetitive spin steps can cause considerable DNA loss (20-40%) and shearing. Furthermore, chaotropic salts and other impurities can easily pass through the eluted DNA or RNA, compromising ultimate purity and quantification as well as downstream enzymatic activities like PCR. To address these backwards, Bioclone introduced a revolutionary one-step plant DNA purification system.
High-Quality DNA
The kit utilizes unique magnetic beads that efficiently remove paraffin from FFPE tissue samples in an aqueous buffer while simultaneously rehydrating the tissue. The proprietary magnetic beads also remove PCR inhibitors from samples in a single step, which increases nucleic acid yields and avoids DNA loss caused by traditional DNA purification techniques. The purified genomic DNA has the highest integrity and purity, making it ideal for various downstream applications.
Efficient DNA Extraction from Various Plant Samples
The BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit allows for rapid, column-free extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from a variety of plant sample sources, including leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruit, and seeds. Our unique proprietary magnetic beads and buffers work together to efficiently lyse cells and remove all impurities simultaneously in an aqueous buffer, leaving the DNA untouched.
Workflow and DNA purification results
Use bead beating to disrupt the sample in a bead beater.
Centrifuge and transfer the supernatant to a new tube.
Mix the samples with the magnetic beads and proteinase K and heat to lyse the cells.
Vortex the beads to capture PCR inhibitors.
Remove the beads with a magnet.
Aspirate the supernatant containing the pure ready-to-use DNA.

Feature and Advantage
Maintaining DNA Integrity and Eliminating PCR Inhibitors
Our gentle lysis conditions avoid the use of harsh chemicals and alkaline lysis to maintain DNA integrity, ensuring that you obtain pure, high-quality DNA suitable for downstream applications such as qPCR. In addition, the magnetic beads in the kit eliminate PCR inhibitors in a single step without DNA extraction, leading to higher DNA integrity and nucleic acid yields. These PCR inhibitors include Effectively cell lysate cleanup and removes inhibitors: polyphenolic compounds, humic/fulvic acids, acidic polysaccharides, tannins, melanin, heparin, detergents, denim dyes, divalent cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, etc.

One-Step Purification for High-Throughput Processing
The straightforward one-step purification technique allows for simultaneous processing of more than 96 samples, producing pure DNA in less than 30 minutes. This eliminates the time-consuming “bind-wash-elute” procedure typically associated with DNA purification, allowing for efficient high-throughput processing of samples.
In conclusion, the BcMag™ One-Step Plant DNA Purification Kit offers a rapid, column-free extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from a variety of plant samples, with gentle lysis conditions to maintain DNA integrity and eliminate PCR inhibitors. With its one-step purification technique, this kit is ideal for high-throughput processing and downstream applications such as qPCR.